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If you're a healthcare professional looking to make the most of your medical expertise through innovation,

Join our community by filling in a registration form (it's 100% free)

Join the Hack Your Care community

A solution for everyone

From the medical and paramedical world, whatever your status is

Ambitious projects

Innovations, startups, healthtech, medtech, products, wearables, software, digitalized services...

Adding value to your expertise

The advantages of carrying out a mission via Hack Your Care: revenue, personnal growth, visibility...

Working on innovative projects has never been easier


Totally free of charge for our health experts, we'll create your profile, and take your experience and the topics that interest you into account


You will be paid for each service you provide. Click here to find out more.


Based on our customers' needs: you'll only be asked to work on projects that match your profile.

Contract and payment

We take care of everything: thanks to standard contracts and a payment platform. You can enjoy your collaboration!
Join HYC


Dr Solène Vo Quang Costantini, oral surgeon and founder of Hack Your Care